Class Gift History
Did you know that each graduating Class gives a Class Gift to Texas A&M University? Since the early 1910s, graduating Aggies have elected to leave a parting gift for their university and the Aggies who will succeed them.
Class gifts are funded with money raised by Class Councils throughout their four years on campus. Class Councils plans class-specific events like Fish Fest, Pull Out Day, Elephant Walk and Ring Dance that serve as major fundraisers for each Class, allowing profits made at the event to be contributed to Class Gift funds. Then, during student body elections, all members of the Class have the opportunity to vote for a gift that will represent their class.
These gifts can range from scholarships, endowments, and memorial funds, to physical symbols of the Aggie Spirit, such as memorials, statues and campus landmarks. Throughout the long and rich tradition of Class Gifts, many have become etched into the campus landscape.
"Learn More About the Past Class Gifts"
Landmarks Built: Freedom From Terrorism Memorial, Spence Park Pavillion, Mt. Aggie, 100th Anniversary Silver Taps Memorial, “The Day the Wall Came Down”- Equestrian Sculpture, Muster Sculpture, His & Her Class Ring Sculpture, Victory Eagle Statue, Silver Taps Monument, 100th Anniversary Replica of Aggie Ring, Bonfire Sculpture in Spence Park, 12th Man Statue, Centennial Eagle Memorial Statue, Memorial Student Center Meditation Garden, Vietnam Memorial, “The Graduate”- Sculpture, Flag Pole at Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Korean War Memorial, Fallen Comrades Memorial, Fish Pond, Bugler Statue for Deceased Students, Academic Plaza Flagpole, Flag Pole for the New Administration Building, World War I Memorial, Academic Plaza Flagpole
Endowments Supported: H2O Fountain Renovations Endowment, Muster Endowment, Fish Pond Maintenance Endowment, C.A.R.P.O.O.L. Endowment, Bonfire Memorial Fund, Memorial Student Center Renovations Endowment, Fish Camp Endowment, George Bush Presidential Library & Museum Endowment, Sterling C. Evans Library Endowment, Art Collection Endowment, Bonfire, Art Endowment, Aggie Spirit Endowment, Corps of Cadets Endowed Academic Center, Texas Aggie Band Endowment, Silver Taps Endowment, Cushing Library Endowment, Cushing Library Rare Book Endowment, Corps of Cadets Leadership Excellence Endowment
Scholarships Supported: Aggie Ring Scholarships, Sul Ross Scholarships, Opportunity Award Scholarships, President’s Endowed Scholarships, General Rudder Scholarships, Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine, Scholarships in Teacher Education, Corps 21 Scholarships, John David Crow Athletic Scholarships, John Mark Stallings Medical Scholarships, Two Armor Units Corps Scholarships, Memorial President’s Scholarships, Corps of Cadets 21st Century Scholarship, Corps Scholarships
Renovations & Refurbishments Made: Olsen Field, Administration Building Landscape, Woodcarving/Mantel for Fireplace in the MSC, Grand Piano in MSC Flag Room, Memorial Student Center Entrance , G. Rollie White Coliseum Plaza, MSC Flag Room
Improvements Made: Billy Pickard Pedestrian Tunnel – “Spirit Can Ne’er Be Told”, Map Kiosks for Campus, Memorial Student Center Entrance, MSC Pillars, Street Clocks on Campus, Simpson Drill Field Plaques, Lettering on West Side of Kyle Field, Announcement Board at North End of Kyle Field, Clayton W. Williams, Jr Alumni Center Pillars, Student Life Wood Carving, “Home of 12th Man” and “Welcome to Aggieland” Lettering at Kyle Field, Spence Park Expansion, Texas A&M University Seal in Academic Building, Aggie Ring Collection Case in Sanders Corps Center, Class Column in Duncan Dining Hall, Voting Machines for the Memorial Student Center, Pillar at East Gate Entrance, Chimes for Memorial Student Center, Cushing Library Indoor Gateway, Portrait of President Walton, Base and Brass for Academic Plaza Flagpole, Life Size Painting of Dr. Bizzell
Organizations Supported: Kyle Field Cannon for Corps of Cadets, Parsons Mounted Cavalry, Muster Documentary, Muster Gifts, Aggie Band Fund, Corps Academic Learning Center Fund, Corps Center Fund, Gifts for All Faiths Chapel
"Experience the Class Gifts throughout time"
Some of Our Most Recognizable Class Gifts

2018 – Aggie Ring Scholarship & Olsen Field Improvements
2017 – Aggie Ring Scholarship
2016 – Administration Building Landscape Enhancements
2015 – Kyle Field Cannon for Corps of Cadets & Parsons Mounted Cavalry
2014 – Aggie Ring Scholarship
2013 – Billy Pickard Pedestrian Tunnel – “Spirit Can Ne’er Be Told”
2012 – Woodcarving/Mantel for Fireplace in the MSC
2011 – Muster Documentary Support
2010 – Refurbishment of Grand Piano in MSC Flag Room
2009 – Map Kiosks for Campus
2008 – H2O Fountain Renovations Endowment & Muster Endowment
2007 – Fish Pond Maintenance Endowment & C.A.R.P.O.O.L. Endowment
2006 – Memorial Student Center Entrance Restoration
2005 – G. Rollie White Coliseum Plaza Renovation
2004 – MSC Flag Room Renovation, 2004 Time Capsule- Dedicated at 2004 Ring Dance
2003 – Freedom From Terrorism Memorial & Two Student Government Association Bricks
2002 – Spence Park Pavillion and Renovations & Bonfire Memorial Fund Donation
2001 – Perpetual Gift Endowment & Two Sul Ross Scholarships & MSC Pillar
2000 – Street Clocks on Campus, Bonfire Memorial Fund, Perpetual Gift Endowment & Two Sul Ross Scholarships from ’00 Corps Members
1999 – Memorial Student Center Pillar & Simpson Drill Field Plaques
1998 – Rebuilding of Mt. Aggie, 100th Anniversary Silver Taps Memorial & 125th Anniversary Time Capsule
1997 – Memorial Student Center Renovations Endowment
1996 – “The Day the Wall Came Down”- Equestrian Sculpture & Fish Camp Endowment
1995 – Muster Sculpture & Muster Endowment
1994 – His & Her Class Ring Sculpture & Aggie Ring Scholarship
1993 – Lettering on West Side of Kyle Field, Student Life Wood Carving, Announcement Board at North End of Kyle Field, Gift to Muster Committee & Class of 1993 Gift Fund
1992 – Sterling C. Evans Library Gift & George Bush Presidential Library & Museum Endowment
1991 – Victory Eagle Statue, Silver Taps Monument & Sul Ross Scholarship
1990 – Ceremonial Mace used at Commencement, Gift to the Class of 2090, Sterling C. Evans Library Endowment, Sul Ross Scholarship & Muster Endowment
1989 – 100th Anniversary Replica of Aggie Ring, Sul Ross Scholarship, Sterling C. Evans Library Endowment, Endowed Opportunity Award Scholarship & Opportunity Award Scholarship
1988 – Lettering at Kyle Field & Track Lighting and Memorial Plaque in Memorial Student Center Hotel Entrance
1987 – Bonfire Sculpture in Spence Park
1986 – Muster Endowment & Sterling C. Evans Library Endowment
1985 – Art Collection Endowment Fund & Traditions Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
1984 – Traditions Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr Alumni Center, “We’ve Never Been Licked”- Original Movie Poster & Bonfire Endowment
1983 – Eternal Flame, Spirit Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center & Sul Ross Scholarship
1982 – Spence Park Expansion, Endowed Opportunity Award Scholarship & Class of 1982 Gift Fund
1981 – Bell Carillon in Memorial Student Center, Class of 1981 Gift Fund, Art Endowment & Spirit Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
1980 – 12th Man Statue, Endowed Scholarship Fund, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Class of 1980 Gift Fund & MSC Pillar
1979 – Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr Alumni Center, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Class of 1979 Endowed Fund & Opportunity Award Scholarship
1978 – Texas A&M University Seal in Academic Building, Sul Ross Scholarship, Opportunity Award Endowment & Aggie Ring Scholarship
1977 – Fish Pond Renovations and Endowment, Traditions Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Endowed Scholarship Fund & Aggie Ring Scholarship
1976 – Centennial Eagle Memorial Statue, Class of 1976 Endowed Century Club & Class of 1976 Gift Fund
1975 – Class of 1975 Project Fund, President’s Endowed Scholarship & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1974 – Cushing Memorial Library Gift, Two Sul Ross Scholarships, Bonfire Memorial Donation, Opportunity Award Scholarship & Bonfire Relief Fund Donation
1973 – Sul Ross Scholarship & General Rudder Scholarship
1972 – Memorial Student Center Meditation Garden, Foundation Excellence Award & Sul Ross Scholarship
1971 – Memorial Student Center Meditation Garden, Class of 1971 Gift Fund & Three Sul Ross Scholarships & Endowed Scholarship in Veterinary Medicine
1970 – Memorial Student Center Meditation Garden, Aggie Spirit Endowment, Spirit Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Four Sul Ross Scholarships, Opportunity Award Scholarship, Endowed Opportunity Award Scholarship, Class of 1970 Endowed Century Club, Veterinary Medicine Endowed Fund & Endowed Ring Scholarship
1969 – Memorial Student Center Meditation Garden, Aggie Band Fund, Class of ’69 Memorial Flag Program, Two Sul Ross Scholarships, Class of ’69 Vietnam Memorial & Legacy Fund
1968 – Class of 1968 Gift Fund, Bonfire Relief Fund, Freedom from Terrorism Memorial, Memorial Fund, Bonfire Memorial Fund, Endowed Opportunity Award Scholarship, President’s Endowed Scholarship & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1967 – Sul Ross Scholarship & President’s Endowed Scholarship
1966 – “The Graduate”- Sculpture, Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education, Ranger III & Sul Ross Scholarship
1965 – Two Sul Ross Scholarships & Class of 1965 Special Fund
1964 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, Traditions Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center & Sul Ross Scholarships
1963 – Three Endowed Opportunity Scholarships, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Two Sul Ross Scholarships & Class of 1963 Project Fund
1962 – Cushing Library Project, Sul Ross Scholarship, Corps 21 Scholarship, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Standardize (Militarize) Five Corps Dorm Rooms, Class of 1962 Gift Fund, Aggie Ring Collection Case in Sanders Corps Center & Class Column in Duncan Dining Hall
1961 – Cornerstone Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Opportunity Award Scholarship, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Bench at Sanders Corps Center & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1960 – Cornerstone Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Opportunity Award Scholarship, “We’ve Never Been Licked”- Movie Rights, 1939 National Champions Book & Sul Ross Scholarships
1959 – Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Corps of Cadets Endowed Academic Center, General Rudder Scholarship, Flag Pole at Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center & 2 Sul Ross Scholarships
1958 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, Class of ’58 Pillar Fund- Texas A&M Foundation, Three Sul Ross Scholarships, Endowed Professorship for Leadership Laboratory, Opportunity Award Scholarship, Corps Academic Learning Center Fund & John David Crow Athletic Scholarship
1957 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, Sul Ross Scholarship, John Mark Stallings Endowed Medical Scholarship, Class of 1957 Scholarship, Class of 1957 Project Fund
1956 – Voting Machines for the Memorial Student Center, Class of 1956 Gift Fund, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Sul Ross Scholarship & Student Worker Award Program
1955 – Korean War Memorial, Scholarship Fund, Principal Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center- Texas A&M Seal in Fountain, Sul Ross Scholarship, Two Armor Units Corps Scholarships & Aggie Ring Scholarship
1954 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, North Portico at Sanders Corps Center, Three General Rudder Scholarships, Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Opportunity Award Scholarship, Class of 1952 Gift Fund, Pillar at East Gate Entrance & Sul Ross Scholarship
1953 – Class of ’53 Project Fund, Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Seven Classmate Endowed Opportunity Awards, Five Class of ’53 Endowed Opportunity Awards, 20 Classmate Sul Ross Scholarships, Texas Aggie Band Endowment, South Pillar at East Gate Entrance, Four Class of ’53 General Rudder Scholarships, Class of ’53 Presidents Endowed Scholarship, Memorial President’s Endowed Scholarship, Two Class of ’53 Foundation Excellence Awards, Three Class of ’53 Sul Ross Scholarships, Eight Classmate General Rudder Scholarships, Class of ’53 Scholarship Fund & 20 Classmate President’s Endowed Scholarships
1952 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, North Portico at Sanders Corps Center, Three General Rudder Scholarships, Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Opportunity Award Scholarship, Class of 1952 Gift Fund, Pillar at East Gate Entrance & Sul Ross Scholarship
1951 – Intramural Message Center, Four General Rudder Scholarships, Three President’s Endowed Scholarships, Class of 1951 Gift Fund, Seven Sul Ross Scholarships, Silver Taps Endowment & Class of 1951 Corps of Cadets 21st Century Scholarship
1950 – Silver Service Set for Memorial Student Center, Class of 1950 Gift Fund, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Sul Ross Scholarship, End Opportunity Award & Fallen Comrades Memorial & Sul Ross Scholarship
1949 – Chimes for Memorial Student Center, Two Sul Ross Scholarships, Corps Scholarship Fund, Cushing Library Endowment
1948 – President’s Endowed Scholarship, Two Sul Ross Scholarships, Two General Rudder Scholarships, Class of 1948 Gift Fund
1947 – Cushing Library Indoor Gateway, Intramural Athletic Message Center, Chester Reed Memorial at Reed Arena, Contribution to Evans Library, Sul Ross Scholarship, Cushing Library Rare Book Endowment, 55th Anniversary Corps of Cadets Leadership Course Facility, President’s Endowed Scholarship, Sanders Corps Center Engraved Bricks, 55th Anniversary Permanent Endowment Gift
1946 – Corps Center Fund & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1945 – Class of 1945 Gift Fund, Sul Ross Scholarship, Two General Rudder Scholarships & Cushing Memorial Library Bookcase
1944 – Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Ten Sul Ross Scholarships & Corps of Cadets Fund
1943 – Portrait of President Walton, Corps of Cadets Leadership Excellence Endowment, Yell Leader Sweaters to Commemorate their Role in 1939 National Championship, Class of 1943 Gift Fund & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1942 – Portrait of President Walton, Cornerstone Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, Yell Leader Sweaters to Commemorate their Role in 1939 National Championship, Memorial Corps Scholarship, President’s Endowed Scholarship & Sul Ross Scholarship
1941 – Portrait of President Walton, Yell Leader Sweaters to Commemorate their Role in 1939 National Championship, Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
1940 – Portrait of President Walton, Sul Ross Scholarship, Yell Leader Sweaters to Commemorate their Role in 1939 National Championship & Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
1939 – Base and Bronze Shield for Academic Plaza Flag Pole & Two Sul Ross Scholarships
1938 – Fish Pond Creation & Paper Maché Ring for Ring Dance
1937 – Buffet Silver for Union Building, Presidents Endowed Scholarship & Traditions Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
1936 – Buffet Silver for Union Building, Bugler Statue for Deceased Students & Sul Ross Scholarship
1935 – Gifts for All Faiths Chapel, President’s Endowed Scholarship & Memorial Sul Ross Scholarship
1934 – Flag Pole for the New Administration Building, Endowed Memorial Fund, Assistance with Final Ball, Endowed Scholarship Fund, Pillar Donor to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center & Sul Ross Scholarship
1933 – President’s Endowed Scholarship
1932 – Trophy Case
1930 – Sul Ross Scholarship, Heritage Endowment & T.L. Smith Scholarship
1929 – President’s Endowed Scholarship
1928 – President’s Endowed Scholarship
1926 – World War I Memorial & Student Loan Funds
1925 – World War I Memorial & President’s Endowed Scholarship
1924 – World War I Memorial
1923 – President’s Endowed Scholarship & World War I Memorial
1922 – Life Size Painting of Dr. Bizzell, Baseball Grandstand in Memorial to World War I, Sul Ross Scholarship, Opportunity Award Scholarship, President’s Endowed Scholarship & Endowed Fund
1921 – President’s Endowed Scholarship
1917 – Gateway to Athletic Park & President’s Endowed Scholarship
1916 – Column for YMCA Building
1915 – Goal Posts for Athletic Field
1912 – Academic Plaza Flagpole & President’s Endowed Scholarship